Question: Did you have any hobbies or interests when you were a child?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Yes, I had several hobbies and interests when I was a child. I enjoyed reading books, playing sports, and playing musical instruments.

Reason: Hobbies and interests provide a way for children to explore their passions, develop their skills and talents, and build their self-esteem and confidence. They also offer a source of enjoyment and fulfillment outside of academic or social pressures.

Example: For instance, I used to spend hours reading books and exploring different genres, which helped to broaden my horizons and develop my imagination. I also played soccer and basketball, which taught me teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship.

Alternative: However, children may also face challenges in pursuing their hobbies and interests, such as lack of resources, time, or support from parents or peers.