Question: What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned while traveling?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: The most interesting thing I learned while traveling is how different cultures have unique customs and traditions. I was fascinated by how these customs shape the way people live their lives and interact with others.

Reason: Traveling allows me to experience different cultures firsthand and gain a deeper understanding of the world. Learning about different customs and traditions has opened my mind to different ways of thinking and living.

Example: For instance, during my trip to Japan, I learned about the concept of "omotenashi," which is the Japanese spirit of hospitality. This custom involves providing guests with the best possible service and making them feel comfortable and valued.

Alternative: Another interesting thing I learned while traveling is how people around the world are facing similar challenges and issues, such as climate change and political instability. However, the ways in which they address these challenges can vary depending on their cultural and social contexts.