Question: Do you think people should be allowed to keep exotic pets?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Keeping exotic pets can pose significant risks to both the animals and the people who care for them, and may not be appropriate or ethical in many situations.

Reason: Exotic pets may have unique needs and requirements that are difficult to meet in a domestic environment, and may also pose risks to public health and safety.

Example: For instance, an exotic pet such as a large snake or a primate may require specialized care, such as a specific diet or habitat, that is difficult to provide in a home setting. These animals may also pose risks to public health and safety, such as the potential to transmit diseases or to escape and cause harm to people or other animals.

Alternative: While some people may be interested in keeping exotic pets, it is important to prioritize the well-being and safety of both the animals and the public, and to consider alternative ways to appreciate and support the conservation of these species, such as through wildlife sanctuaries or responsible tourism.