Question: How do you remember tasks that you need to complete throughout the day?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: I remember tasks that I need to complete throughout the day by writing them down in a to-do list or planner.

Reason: Writing down tasks helps to externalize them from memory and frees up cognitive resources for other tasks. It also provides a visual reminder of what needs to be done and helps to prioritize tasks.

Example: For instance, if I have several errands to run throughout the day, I might make a list of them in my planner or on my phone, with a checkbox next to each task. As I complete each task, I check it off the list, which provides a sense of accomplishment and helps to reinforce the memory of completing the task.

Alternative: While writing tasks down is a common and effective strategy for remembering tasks, there are other approaches that can work for different people, such as using reminders on a smartphone or setting alarms for specific tasks.