Question: What are some notable examples of internet censorship and its impact on society?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: There are many notable examples of internet censorship and its impact on society.

Reason: Governments and private companies can censor online content for a variety of reasons, including political, religious, and cultural sensitivities. Censorship can limit freedom of speech and access to information, and can have a chilling effect on public discourse and innovation.

Example: For instance, in China, the government uses a sophisticated system of internet censorship, known as the Great Firewall, to control access to information and limit political dissent. This has led to concerns about human rights violations and limitations on innovation and economic growth.

Alternative: While internet censorship is a serious concern, there are also alternative approaches to regulating online content, such as promoting digital literacy and media literacy skills among users, and supporting independent journalism and fact-checking initiatives.