Question: What is the typical weather like in your hometown?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: The typical weather in my hometown is mild and humid in the summer and cool and dry in the winter, with occasional rainfall and wind.

Reason: The reason why the weather in my hometown is like this is due to its location and climate zone, as well as its topography and vegetation.

Example: For instance, my hometown is located in a coastal area with a subtropical climate, which means that it is influenced by the ocean currents and winds, and that it has a high temperature and humidity in the summer and a low temperature and humidity in the winter. The rainfall is also distributed unevenly throughout the year, with most of it occurring in the summer months.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that the typical weather in a place can also be affected by human activities, such as urbanization, deforestation, and pollution, and that understanding and mitigating the impact of these factors on the climate and environment is important for sustainable development.