Question: Do you think technology can replace teachers in the future?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: I do not think that technology can completely replace teachers in the future, as teaching involves not only the transmission of information, but also the development of interpersonal skills, critical thinking, and creativity.

Reason: The reason why teachers cannot be fully replaced by technology is because they play a crucial role in fostering social and emotional intelligence, promoting personalized and differentiated instruction, and also adapting to diverse learning needs and styles.

Example: For instance, a computer program may be able to deliver a lecture or quiz, but it cannot provide the same level of feedback, support, and motivation that a human teacher can offer, or build trust and rapport with students.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that technology can enhance or supplement teaching, such as through online resources, simulations, or virtual classrooms, and also provide opportunities for innovation and creativity in education. However, they still need to be combined with traditional teaching methods to create the most effective learning experience.