Question: What are some benefits of extracurricular activities in school?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Some benefits of extracurricular activities in school include developing social skills, leadership abilities, teamwork, and time management, as well as promoting creativity, self-expression, and personal growth.

Reason: The reason why extracurricular activities are valuable is because they provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and passions outside of the classroom, and also allow them to develop skills and traits that are important for success in various contexts.

Example: For instance, a student who participates in a sports team may learn how to communicate effectively with teammates, set goals, and persevere through challenges, while a student who joins a drama club may enhance their public speaking, improvisation, and empathy skills.

Alternative: Additionally, extracurricular activities can also provide opportunities for community service, volunteering, or activism, which can foster a sense of civic responsibility and engagement.