Question: What is the impact of furniture on our posture and comfort?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Yes, I believe flowers can have a therapeutic effect on both mental and emotional well-being.

Reason: The presence and care of flowers can provide a sense of relaxation, purpose, and connection to nature, all of which can contribute to improved mental health and overall well-being.

Example: Horticultural therapy is a form of therapy that involves the use of plants and gardening activities to promote healing and improve the quality of life for individuals experiencing mental health challenges or stress. By working with flowers and plants, participants can develop a sense of accomplishment, cultivate mindfulness, and engage their senses in a soothing and restorative way.

Alternative: Flowers can also have a therapeutic effect through their visual beauty and calming scents. Aromatherapy, for example, uses essential oils derived from flowers and other plant parts to promote relaxation and alleviate stress. Additionally, simply having flowers in one's living or working environment can serve as a gentle reminder to slow down, appreciate the present moment, and connect with the natural world.