Question: How can we preserve biodiversity?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: We can preserve biodiversity by protecting natural habitats, promoting sustainable resource use, and supporting conservation initiatives.

Reason: Biodiversity is essential for maintaining balanced ecosystems, providing a wealth of natural resources, and ensuring the resilience of our planet. Human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, are threatening biodiversity, making preservation efforts critical.

Example: One way to preserve biodiversity is by establishing and expanding protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves. These protected areas can serve as sanctuaries for endangered species and habitats, helping to maintain ecological balance. The creation of marine protected areas, for example, helps conserve marine ecosystems and allows for the recovery of overfished populations.

Alternative: Another approach to preserving biodiversity is through public education and awareness campaigns, which can help people understand the importance of biodiversity and encourage them to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. By promoting eco-friendly practices and supporting conservation initiatives, individuals can play an active role in preserving our planet's biodiversity.