Question: How has science changed the world we live in?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Science has transformed the world we live in by providing new technologies, improving health and well-being, and expanding our understanding of the natural world and the universe.

Reason: Science has played a critical role in shaping human history and progress, from the invention of the wheel and fire to the development of modern medicine, space exploration, and communication. It has enabled us to overcome many challenges and improve our quality of life.

Example: For instance, scientific discoveries and inventions such as electricity, antibiotics, and the internet have revolutionized the way we live and work. They have enabled us to communicate instantly across the globe, cure diseases that were once fatal, and explore the depths of the universe.

Alternative: Some people might argue that science has also contributed to negative consequences, such as environmental degradation and nuclear weapons, and that its impact on society should be more carefully managed and regulated.