Question: What are some of the things you consider before making a big purchase?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Before making a big purchase, I consider various factors such as the quality of the product, its price, its brand reputation, and the warranty period.

Reason: Considering these factors can help me make an informed decision and ensure that I get the best value for my money. The quality of the product will determine its durability, while the price will affect my budget. The brand reputation will give me an idea of the product's reliability, and the warranty period will ensure that I can get the product repaired or replaced if it develops any faults.

Example: For instance, when I was buying a new laptop, I considered the processor speed, the amount of RAM, and the graphics card's capacity. I also looked at the brand reputation and the warranty period to make sure that I was getting a good quality product.

Alternative: Some people might also consider factors such as the product's aesthetics, its features, and the availability of after-sales service before making a big purchase.