Question: How do countries around the world approach climate change?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Countries around the world approach climate change through international cooperation, national policies, and local initiatives.

Reason: International cooperation, such as the Paris Agreement, helps establish global targets and guidelines for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. National policies set targets for renewable energy usage, energy efficiency, and carbon emissions reduction, while local initiatives promote sustainable practices, such as public transportation, recycling programs, and environmental education.

Example: For instance, many European countries have committed to ambitious renewable energy targets and are investing in wind, solar, and hydro power, while also implementing policies to encourage electric vehicle adoption and energy-efficient buildings.

Alternative: However, the approach to climate change varies significantly between countries, depending on factors such as political will, economic development, and available resources. Some countries may prioritize short-term economic growth over long-term environmental sustainability, resulting in less aggressive climate change mitigation efforts.