Question: What are some ethical issues related to electronic devices?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Some ethical issues related to electronic devices include privacy concerns, electronic waste, and labor practices in manufacturing.

Reason: Electronic devices, particularly those with internet connectivity, can collect and store vast amounts of personal data, raising concerns about user privacy and data security. Additionally, the rapid rate at which electronic devices are discarded contributes to electronic waste, posing environmental and health risks. Lastly, labor practices in the manufacturing of electronic devices have come under scrutiny, with concerns about worker exploitation and unsafe working conditions.

Example: For instance, the use of smartphones has raised questions about the extent to which companies should be allowed to access and use users' personal data for targeted advertising or other purposes without explicit consent.

Alternative: Some potential solutions to these ethical issues include implementing stronger data protection regulations, promoting recycling and eco-friendly disposal of electronic waste, and advocating for fair labor practices in the manufacturing process.