Question: What qualities make a good teacher?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: In my opinion, a good teacher should be knowledgeable, passionate, patient, empathetic, and adaptable.

Reason: These qualities can enable a teacher to effectively engage and motivate students, facilitate learning and understanding, provide support and feedback, and create a positive and inclusive learning environment. Moreover, these qualities can help a teacher to respond to diverse needs, challenges, and opportunities, and to continuously improve their teaching practice.

Example: For instance, I had a teacher who was very knowledgeable in history and was able to present the subject in an interesting and relevant way, using real-life examples and activities. She was also patient and supportive, and encouraged us to ask questions and share our opinions. Additionally, she was empathetic and respectful towards different backgrounds and perspectives, and created a safe and welcoming classroom atmosphere.

Alternative: Other qualities that may be important for a good teacher include creativity, communication skills, leadership, organization, and humor, among others.