Question: What is the importance of rules in society?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Rules are essential in society because they provide a framework for behavior, establish expectations and boundaries, and promote fairness and safety for all members.

Reason: Rules help to maintain order and stability in society by regulating human actions and interactions, and by balancing individual rights and collective interests. They also reflect and reinforce social norms, values, and traditions, and can shape our attitudes and behaviors towards ourselves and others.

Example: For instance, rules can govern various aspects of our lives, such as traffic, education, health, finance, or employment, and can set standards and consequences for non-compliance. They can also vary across different cultures, religions, and legal systems, and can evolve over time in response to changing needs and challenges.

Alternative: Some people may criticize or resist rules, as they can be perceived as limiting or oppressive, and can conflict with personal beliefs or goals. They may also argue that rules can be ambiguous, inconsistent, or discriminatory, and may require reform or advocacy.