Question: What kinds of books do you enjoy reading?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: I enjoy reading various kinds of books, including fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, biographies, and self-help.

Reason: Reading different genres and topics can expose me to different writing styles, perspectives, and ideas, and can broaden my understanding of the world and myself. It can also provide me with emotional and intellectual stimulation, and can serve different purposes such as entertainment, education, or personal growth.

Example: For instance, I may read a novel to escape from reality and to immerse myself in a story that resonates with my emotions and values. I may also read a non-fiction book to learn about a specific topic or issue, such as history, science, or politics, and to gain new insights and knowledge.

Alternative: Other people may have specific preferences or interests in terms of genres or authors, and may prioritize certain factors such as plot, character development, writing quality, or relevance to their personal or professional goals.