Question: Do you prefer to buy products online or in physical stores?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: I prefer to buy products online, because it offers me more choices, convenience, and accessibility than physical stores.

Reason: Online shopping has become increasingly popular and accessible, as it allows people to browse and purchase products from anywhere and at any time, without the need to travel, wait in line, or carry heavy bags. It also allows people to compare prices, read reviews, and access discounts and promotions that may not be available in physical stores.

Example: For instance, I may search for a specific product on an online marketplace such as Amazon, and then filter the results based on my preferences and budget. I may then read the product description, reviews, and ratings, and check the seller's reputation and delivery options. Finally, I may place an order and track its status, and then receive the product at my doorstep.

Alternative: Other people may prefer to buy products in physical stores, as it allows them to see, touch, and try the products before buying them, as well as to get immediate assistance from salespeople and to avoid shipping fees and delays.