Question: What are some notable consequences of being late?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Notable consequences of being late include damaging relationships, missing opportunities, and causing inconvenience or frustration for others.

Reason: Being late shows a lack of respect for others' time and may indicate unreliability, which can affect trust and credibility. It can also result in missed deadlines, lost business, or missed experiences that cannot be repeated.

Example: A colleague of mine missed an important deadline because their team member was late with submitting their work. As a result, the project suffered, and their reputation was damaged. Another friend missed the beginning of a concert because their friend was late picking them up, causing them to miss the opening act.

Alternative: Being early or on time, on the other hand, can enhance productivity, build trust, and demonstrate professionalism. It can also reduce stress and anxiety caused by rushing or being late.