Question: How do friendships develop and change over time?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Friendships develop and change over time through shared experiences, mutual support, and evolving interests.

Reason: As people grow and change, their friendships often adapt to reflect new circumstances, challenges, and personal growth.

Example: In the early stages of a friendship, individuals may bond over common interests or activities. Over time, they may experience life events together, such as starting new jobs, moving to new cities, or raising families, which can strengthen their bond or lead to new shared experiences. However, friendships can also change as people's interests, values, or life paths diverge, sometimes leading to a decrease in closeness or even the end of a friendship.

Alternative: While the dynamics of friendships can vary greatly, the ability to communicate openly, support one another, and adapt to change can contribute to the development and longevity of a strong friendship.