Question: How do human activities impact the environment?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Human activities impact the environment in numerous ways, such as deforestation, pollution, and the emission of greenhouse gases.

Reason: These activities can disrupt ecosystems, degrade natural resources, and contribute to climate change, threatening the Earth's capacity to sustain life.

Example: For example, industrial processes and the burning of fossil fuels release pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which can harm air quality, contribute to climate change, and result in negative health outcomes for humans and other species. Additionally, deforestation for agriculture, logging, or urban development can destroy habitats, reduce biodiversity, and disrupt essential ecological processes.

Alternative: While human activities can have negative impacts on the environment, there are also many efforts to mitigate these effects, such as adopting renewable energy sources, promoting conservation, and implementing sustainable practices in various sectors.