VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

If you were to start a new hobby, would you prefer painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument?

- Answer:

If I were to start a new hobby, I would choose playing a musical instrument. The ability to create music is not only personally fulfilling but also a social asset. Music is a universal language that connects people regardless of cultural or linguistic barriers, and learning an instrument can open up opportunities for group activities like jam sessions or forming a band.

Comparatively, painting is a more solitary hobby, mainly focused on personal expression. While it has its therapeutic and creative merits, it doesn't necessarily involve social interaction. Gardening, on the other hand, can be rewarding in terms of fostering a connection with nature and promoting sustainable living, but it might be limited by factors like space and seasonality.

In contrast, playing a musical instrument can be practiced anywhere, anytime and can be shared with others. Plus, the cognitive benefits, such as improved memory and analytical skills, are added bonuses. Therefore, for its social, cognitive, and personal advantages, I would choose learning a musical instrument.