VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You are asked to suggest a way to develop better reading habits. Would you recommend setting reading goals, joining a reading club, or reading before bed?

- Answer:

I would suggest joining a reading club to develop better reading habits. While all three options have merits, joining a reading club has several unique benefits.

Setting reading goals could be beneficial but may turn reading into a task rather than a pleasure, and if the goals are not met, it could lead to discouragement. Reading before bed is a great habit, but it's often when people are most tired and may not retain the information well.

A reading club, however, combines social interaction with the activity of reading. It provides a sense of community and motivation through shared experiences and discussions. It exposes members to a variety of genres and perspectives they might not explore on their own. The regular meetings can ensure consistent reading habits.

Therefore, joining a reading club not only encourages regular reading but also enriches the experience, making it an effective way to develop better reading habits.

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