VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

A friend who recently moved to your city asks for transportation advice. Would you suggest buying a car, using public transportation, or biking?

- Answer:

I would recommend using public transportation in a new city. Public transportation is typically affordable, reliable, and convenient in urban settings. It would help my friend learn the city layout, and they would avoid the hassles of parking and maintenance that come with owning a car. It's also more environmentally friendly compared to driving.

While biking is also a green mode of transport, it may not be practical for long distances or adverse weather conditions. Plus, it takes time to get used to biking in a city environment, especially if the city isn't bike-friendly.

Buying a car, on the other hand, comes with added responsibilities, such as insurance, parking, and fuel costs. Moreover, urban areas often have traffic congestion issues, which can be stressful for newcomers.

In sum, using public transportation combines convenience, sustainability, and economic sense, making it an optimal choice, especially for someone new to the city.

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