VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

You're given an opportunity to start a club at your school. Would it be a book club, a sports club, or a photography club?

- Answer:

I would choose to start a book club. Although a sports club encourages physical activity and a photography club promotes creativity, a book club offers unique benefits that encompass mental, emotional, and social growth.

Book clubs inherently encourage reading, which is instrumental in improving language skills and broadening knowledge. They cultivate critical thinking as members analyze and interpret literary works. They also stimulate empathy and understanding by exposing students to diverse perspectives and experiences through various narratives.

Socially, a book club fosters a sense of community. It provides a safe space for students to express their thoughts and engage in meaningful conversations. It enhances listening skills and encourages respectful debates, contributing to students' communication skills and emotional intelligence.

Therefore, in contrast to the other options, a book club presents a well-rounded approach to personal development. It not only contributes to academic proficiency but also encourages social, emotional, and cultural growth, making it my top choice.

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