VSTEP B1, B2, C1 Speaking Part 2: Solution Discussion

- Question:

Your friend wants to shop more sustainably. Would you suggest buying second-hand, supporting local businesses, or buying less but better quality?

- Answer:

I would suggest buying second-hand as the best option for shopping more sustainably.

Buying second-hand items reduces the demand for new products, which helps in lowering overall consumption and minimizing waste. It also gives a new life to pre-owned goods, reducing the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new items. Additionally, shopping second-hand often comes at a lower cost, making it a budget-friendly and eco-conscious choice.

Supporting local businesses is also a great way to promote sustainability as it reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation and supports the local economy. However, it may not always be easy to find all the necessary products from local businesses, especially when looking for specific items or brands.

Buying less but better quality items is another sustainable option as it encourages a shift towards more durable and long-lasting products. However, this approach may not be suitable for everyone, as high-quality items can be more expensive upfront.

In conclusion, buying second-hand is a well-rounded and accessible choice for sustainable shopping. It addresses concerns of waste and overconsumption while being budget-friendly and readily available in various locations, making it an ideal option to recommend to my friend.

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