Smite, Smote, Smitten, Smiting Quiz Online

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Smite, Smote, Smitten, Smiting Quiz Questions

1. Dan was _____ with remorse.

A. Smite

B. Smote

C. Smitten

D. Smiting

2. She was totally _____ with Steve.

A. Smiting

B. Smitten

C. Smite

D. Smote

3. The whole family were _____ with flu.

A. Smitten

B. Smite

C. Smote

D. Smiting

4. Dulcamara, unaware that Adina is the object of Nemorino's affection, tells her the story of the _____ bumpkin who spent his last penny on the elixir, and even signed his life away, joining the army for money to get more, so desperate was he to win the love of some unnamed cruel beauty.

A. Smiting

B. Smote

C. Smite

D. Smitten

5. As soon as he saw her, he was _____.

A. Smote

B. Smite

C. Smiting

D. Smitten

Smite, Smote, Smitten, Smiting Video Quiz

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