Regrow, Regrew, Regrown, Regrowing Quiz Online

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Regrow, Regrew, Regrown, Regrowing Quiz Questions

1. It allows trees to _____ after they have been cut down.

A. Regrowing

B. Regrew

C. Regrown

D. Regrow

2. Unlike any other style of capital, there is no known way to replace this - but it can be improved, _____, protected, for example by conservation.

A. Regrown

B. Regrow

C. Regrowing

D. Regrew

3. Morphallaxis is the when some living things regenerate or _____ tissue after the original tissue dies.

A. Regrew

B. Regrowing

C. Regrown

D. Regrow

4. Most earthworms can _____ lost segments, assuming the worm has not had too much damage.

A. Regrew

B. Regrowing

C. Regrown

D. Regrow

5. In its lifetime, a shark can lose and _____ as many as 30,000 teeth.

A. Regrown

B. Regrowing

C. Regrow

D. Regrew

6. After the gold rush, the forest slowly began to _____.

A. Regrew

B. Regrow

C. Regrowing

D. Regrown

Regrow, Regrew, Regrown, Regrowing Video Quiz

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