Redo, Redid, Redone, Redoing Quiz Online

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Redo, Redid, Redone, Redoing Quiz Questions

1. Nine years later, in 1156, Prince Yuri Dolgoruki ordered the building of a wooden wall, which had to be _____ many times, to go around the growing city.

A. Redo

B. Redoing

C. Redid

D. Redone

2. The book designer will have to _____ the page layouts.

A. Redo

B. Redid

C. Redone

D. Redoing

3. The inside was _____ by Joe Perez who did the original job.

A. Redid

B. Redo

C. Redone

D. Redoing

4. She asked me to _____ the essay.

A. Redone

B. Redo

C. Redoing

D. Redid

5. You'll have to _____ this piece of work.

A. Redo

B. Redone

C. Redid

D. Redoing

6. _____ also helped produce Gaga's previous blockbuster hits, such as "Just Dance", "Poker Face", and "Bad Romance".

A. Redone

B. Redid

C. Redo

D. Redoing

7. In "3.0: You can _____", Kaworu plays a much larger role.

A. Redoing

B. Redo

C. Redid

D. Redone

8. Bormenthal then suggests that they _____ the operation, using the body of a genius.

A. Redo

B. Redid

C. Redone

D. Redoing

9. She went to the expense of having her hair _____.

A. Redoing

B. Redo

C. Redone

D. Redid

10. We're having the kitchen _____.

A. Redo

B. Redid

C. Redoing

D. Redone

Redo, Redid, Redone, Redoing Video Quiz

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