Interbreed, Interbreeds, Interbred, Interbreeding Quiz Online

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Interbreed, Interbreeds, Interbred, Interbreeding Quiz Questions

1. The beginnings of speciation often depends on the separation of populations which were once _____.

A. Interbreeds

B. Interbreeding

C. Interbred

D. Interbreed

2. They are almost identical, but if flies from one species are put with flies from the other species, they do not _____.

A. Interbreed

B. Interbreeding

C. Interbreeds

D. Interbred

3. However, since the two groups can _____ successfully, they may only be separate subspecies of "Loxodonta africana".

A. Interbreed

B. Interbred

C. Interbreeding

D. Interbreeds

4. The two end populations in the series are too distantly related to _____.

A. Interbreed

B. Interbreeding

C. Interbreeds

D. Interbred

5. One theory suggests that the human and chimpanzee lineages diverged somewhat at first, then some populations _____ around one million years after diverging.

A. Interbreeding

B. Interbreed

C. Interbreeds

D. Interbred

6. However it is unlikely that this will harm the ecosystems in which these dogs live In some cases like rabbits, the _____ seems not to be noticed.

A. Interbred

B. Interbreeds

C. Interbreed

D. Interbreeding

7. Without reinforcement the two populations or species would have uncontrollable _____.

A. Interbred

B. Interbreeding

C. Interbreeds

D. Interbreed

8. The ranges of the two species may have overlapped, and genetic evidence suggests that they _____.

A. Interbred

B. Interbreed

C. Interbreeds

D. Interbreeding

9. Hawthorn flies mature later in the season and take longer to mature than apple flies; and there is little evidence of _____.

A. Interbreeds

B. Interbreed

C. Interbred

D. Interbreeding

10. This _____ can threaten the existence of the original wild population.

A. Interbreed

B. Interbreeds

C. Interbreeding

D. Interbred

Interbreed, Interbreeds, Interbred, Interbreeding Video Quiz

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