IELTS Speaking Part 2 Question:

Describe a piece of technology that you find useful. You should say:

  • what the technology is
  • how you use it
  • why you find it useful
  • and what impact it has had on your life.


Answer #1

One piece of technology that I find extremely useful is my laptop. I use it for a variety of purposes, such as work, entertainment, communication, and learning. I find it convenient to have all these functions in one device that I can carry with me wherever I go. I use my laptop for work tasks such as writing reports, creating presentations, and conducting research. For entertainment, I use it to stream movies and TV shows, listen to music, and play games. For communication, I use it to send emails, video chat with friends and family, and participate in online forums. For learning, I use it to take online courses and access educational resources. The reason why I find my laptop so useful is that it saves me time, money, and effort. With my laptop, I can do many things that would otherwise require separate devices or activities. For example, I can work from home, watch movies on long flights, keep in touch with friends who live far away, and learn new skills without leaving my house. The impact that my laptop has had on my life is significant. It has made me more efficient, productive, informed, and connected. I can accomplish more in less time, stay up to date on news and trends, and maintain relationships with people who matter to me. Moreover, my laptop has opened up new opportunities for me, such as freelance work, online networking, and remote learning.

Answer #2

Another piece of technology that I find useful is my smartphone. I use it for a wide range of activities, including communication, entertainment, navigation, and information gathering. It is a versatile and indispensable tool that I rely on daily. I use my smartphone to make calls, send texts, and use social media apps like Facebook and Twitter. For entertainment, I use it to stream videos, play games, and listen to music. For navigation, I use it to access maps, find directions, and locate nearby places of interest. For information gathering, I use it to browse the web, read news articles, and research topics of interest. The reason why I find my smartphone so useful is that it allows me to stay connected and informed while on the go. I don't have to be tied to a desktop computer or landline phone to communicate or access information. My smartphone enables me to multitask and stay productive even when I'm away from my home or office. The impact that my smartphone has had on my life is significant. It has made me more efficient, independent, and mobile. I can conduct business, socialize, and entertain myself from anywhere with an internet connection. Moreover, my smartphone has enabled me to access new forms of media, such as podcasts and online news, which have broadened my horizons and expanded my knowledge.

Answer #3

A third piece of technology that I find useful is my smartwatch. I use it to track my fitness, stay connected, and manage my schedule. It is a versatile and convenient device that helps me stay organized and efficient throughout the day. I use my smartwatch to track my workouts, monitor my heart rate, and set fitness goals. It also tracks my daily activity, such as steps taken and calories burned. For communication, I can receive and respond to text messages, emails, and calls directly from my wrist. Moreover, I can use it to manage my schedule, set reminders, and receive notifications. The reason why I find my smartwatch so useful is that it allows me to stay connected and productive while keeping my hands free. It also helps me stay motivated to achieve my fitness goals and manage my time effectively. The impact that my smartwatch has had on my life is significant. It has made me more efficient, organized, and healthy. I can stay on top of my work and personal life while still prioritizing my physical and mental health.

Answer #4

Another piece of technology that I find useful is my noise-canceling headphones. I use them to listen to music, podcasts, and audiobooks while blocking out external noise. They are a valuable tool for me when I need to concentrate or relax in a noisy environment. I use my noise-canceling headphones to listen to various forms of audio content, such as music, podcasts, and audiobooks. They are particularly helpful when I need to focus on a task, such as writing or studying, and when I want to unwind, such as during a long flight or commute. The reason why I find my noise-canceling headphones so useful is that they allow me to tune out distractions and immerse myself in the audio content. They also help protect my hearing by reducing the need to turn up the volume to overcome external noise. The impact that my noise-canceling headphones have had on my life is positive. They have helped me be more productive, relaxed, and mindful of my hearing health. They also make activities such as travel and exercise more enjoyable by reducing noise-related stress and fatigue.

Answer #5

A fifth piece of technology that I find useful is my e-reader. I use it to read books, newspapers, and magazines in a portable and convenient format. It is a lightweight and versatile device that has transformed my reading habits. I use my e-reader to read a wide range of content, from fiction and non-fiction books to current events and niche publications. I can adjust the font size, brightness, and other settings to suit my preferences and needs. I also appreciate the convenience of being able to carry a library of books with me wherever I go. The reason why I find my e-reader so useful is that it allows me to read more and diversify my reading choices. It also reduces the clutter and environmental impact of physical books. The impact that my e-reader has had on my life is significant. It has allowed me to read more frequently and with greater variety, which has broadened my knowledge and perspectives. It has also helped me be more mindful of my environmental impact and reduce the need for physical storage space.