1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the scientific name of the sweet potato plant?
A) Solanum tuberosum
B) Ipomoea batatas
C) Solanum lycopersicum
D) Brassica oleracea

Question 2. Are sweet potatoes related to yams or potatoes?
A) Yes
B) No
C) It depends on the variety
D) They are only related to yams

Question 3. What is the color of the flowers that grow on the sweet potato plant's vines?
A) White
B) Yellow
C) Pink or rose violet
D) Purple

Question 4. What are some ways that sweet potatoes can be prepared and eaten?
A) Boiled, baked, or fried
B) Raw or grilled
C) Dried or pickled
D) Steamed or roasted

Question 5. In what parts of the world is the sweet potato a staple food?
A) Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific islands
B) North America and Europe
C) South America and Antarctica
D) Australia and New Zealand