1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the scientific name of the onion?
A) Allium cepa
B) Allium sativum
C) Allium schoenoprasum
D) Allium porrum

Question 2. Which countries are major onion producers?
A) China, India, the United States, and Turkey
B) France, Spain, and Italy
C) Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia
D) South Africa, Brazil, and Argentina

Question 3. What does the bulb of an onion look like?
A) Round or flattened
B) Pointed or elongated
C) Spherical or pear-shaped
D) Square or oblong

Question 4. What colors can onions be?
A) White, yellow, or red
B) Green, purple, or pink
C) Blue, brown, or black
D) Orange, yellow, or green

Question 5. What is the oil in onions rich in?
A) Sulfur
B) Nitrogen
C) Carbon
D) Oxygen