1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. How many species of orchids are there in the world?
A) Between 15,000 and 35,000
B) Between 35,000 and 50,000
C) Between 50,000 and 75,000
D) Over 75,000

Question 2. Where do orchids grow?
A) Everywhere except the polar regions
B) Only in tropical areas
C) Only in temperate regions
D) Only in desert regions

Question 3. How do some orchids get their moisture and nutrients?
A) From soil
B) From rainwater, rotting plant matter, or the air
C) From sunlight
D) From water in a vase

Question 4. What is the size range of orchid plants?
A) Less than 2.5 centimeters to more than 4.6 meters
B) Less than 5 centimeters to more than 2.5 meters
C) Less than 10 centimeters to more than 5 meters
D) Less than 15 centimeters to more than 7.5 meters

Question 5. What is vanilla made from?
A) The flowers of orchid plants
B) The leaves of orchid plants
C) The seeds of orchid plants
D) The roots of orchid plants