Adverbs are versatile words that modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or even whole sentences. They provide additional information about how, when, where, how much, or under what conditions something happens or is the case.

1. How to Form Adverbs

While many adverbs have unique forms, a common way to form adverbs is from adjectives:

  1. From Adjectives: The most typical form is by adding -ly to an adjective.

    • Example: quick → quickly
    • Example: beautiful → beautifully
  2. Exceptions: Not all adverbs are formed with -ly, and not all words ending in -ly are adverbs.

    • Example: well (from the adjective good)
    • Example: fast (same as the adjective)

2. Types of Adverbs

  1. Adverbs of Manner: Answer the question "how?" and usually end in -ly.

    • Example: He spoke softly.
    • Example: She sings beautifully.
  2. Adverbs of Frequency: Indicate how often something happens.

    • Example: always, often, sometimes, rarely, never
  3. Adverbs of Time: Tell us when something happens.

    • Example: now, today, yesterday, soon, later
  4. Adverbs of Place: Indicate where something happens.

    • Example: here, there, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere
  5. Adverbs of Degree: Modify adjectives or other adverbs, usually by intensifying or reducing their meaning.

    • Example: very, too, quite, almost, absolutely
  6. Adverbs of Certainty: Indicate the likelihood of something happening.

    • Example: definitely, probably, possibly, surely

3. Using Adverbs in Sentences

The placement of adverbs can vary depending on what the adverb is modifying and the focus of the sentence:

  1. Modifying a Verb: Typically, they come after the verb.

    • Example: She runs quickly.
    • Example: He speaks softly.
  2. Modifying an Adjective or Another Adverb: They come before the word they're modifying.

    • Example: It's very cold.
    • Example: He runs quite slowly.
  3. Adverbs of Frequency: These usually come before the main verb but after the verb 'to be'.

    • Example: She often visits her grandmother.
    • Example: He is always late.
  4. Beginning of a Sentence: Some adverbs can be used at the start of a sentence to provide emphasis or to affect the tone.

    • Example: Sometimes, I feel like giving up.
    • Example: Surprisingly, he passed the exam.

In conclusion, adverbs play a pivotal role in English, offering nuances to our sentences and enhancing the information given by verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Recognizing their forms and understanding their placements can greatly refine one's articulation and comprehension skills.

4. English Adverbs Tests

Do you fully understand English adverbs? These tests will help you to learn, review, and refresh your knowledge about English adverbs. Each test contains 10 questions. Choose an answer to complete each question. Instructions may be available for each test. After finishing a test, you can review your answers.


English Grammar - Adverbs Test 001

English Grammar - Adverbs Test 002

English Grammar - Adverbs Test 003

English Grammar - Adverbs Test 004

English Grammar - Adverbs Test 005



More tests:

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 001

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 002

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 003

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 004

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 005

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 006

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 007

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 008

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 009

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 010

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 011

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 012

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 013

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 014

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 015

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 016

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 017

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 018

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 019

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 020

English Grammar - Adjectives And Adverbs Test 021

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