Not until the early 1960s did the birthrate in the United States began to decline

There is a mistake in this sentence. Please help me to find it
10 years ago
Asked 10 years ago

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began ->begin
Answered 10 years ago

Hey Pool, why did you choose "began". Would u mind explaining it? Thanks
Answered 10 years ago

Not until + Inversion. Here inversion "did + Subject + V(infinitive). Therefore, begun -> begin
Answered 10 years ago

"Began" should be "begin" because after a sentence initial negative word (Not), there is inversion of subject-verb, so the normal word order "the birthrate began" turns into "did the birthrate begin." The auxiliary verb "do" takes the past form "did," and the main verb takes the infinitive form "begin," the same word order as a question.
Answered 10 years ago
bogus English teacher

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